Yoga Sutra 1.14 clearly states that practice becomes firmly grounded when well attended to over a long period of time.
Dinner table
Lo Sum lived with his son Hon Su in a small village not too far from the city.
Every day, for his entire life, Hon Su would assist his father in preparing the dinner table and a grand supper- enough for all the people who would come.
But no one ever came.
Lo Sum would get up everyday, with zeal, and repeat an almost identical task with little reward. But he was always happy.
Hon Su didn't quite understand this. Hon Su rarely smiled, yet never inquired as to why they do this everyday.
One day, Hon Su decided to prepare the dinner table and supper with zeal.
That evening, a traveler passed by their hut seeking some rest and a bite to eat.
Lo Sum and Hon Su invited the traveler inside and the traveler was overwhelmed at the sight in front of him. He looked around, noticed he was the only one there besides Lo Sum and Hon Su and asked "Why have you prepared such a wonderful dinner table and supper with zeal this evening. Were you expecting me?"
To which Hon Su replied, "We were not expecting you but wanted to make sure we were ready for your arrival."
"Body is my temple and asanas are my prayers" - B.K.S. Iyengar