
Yoga Sutra 1.14 clearly states that practice becomes firmly grounded when well attended to over a long period of time.

Yoga Sutra 1.14 clearly states that practice becomes firmly grounded when well attended to over a long period of time.

Dinner table

Lo Sum lived with his son Hon Su in a small village not too far from the city. 

Every day, for his entire life, Hon Su would assist his father in preparing the dinner table and a grand supper- enough for all the people who would come. 

But no one ever came. 

Lo Sum would get up everyday, with zeal, and repeat an almost identical task with little reward. But he was always happy. 

Hon Su didn't quite understand this. Hon Su rarely smiled, yet never inquired as to why they do this everyday. 

One day, Hon Su decided to prepare the dinner table and supper with zeal. 

That evening, a traveler passed by their hut seeking some rest and a bite to eat. 

Lo Sum and Hon Su invited the traveler inside and the traveler was overwhelmed at the sight in front of him. He looked around, noticed he was the only one there besides Lo Sum and Hon Su and asked "Why have you prepared such a wonderful dinner table and supper with zeal this evening. Were you expecting me?"

To which Hon Su replied, "We were not expecting you but wanted to make sure we were ready for your arrival."

"Body is my temple and asanas are my prayers" - B.K.S. Iyengar

"Body is my temple and asanas are my prayers" - B.K.S. Iyengar


The more we practice the more expansion we experience... and we need to constantly be ready for an experience that may be different than what we expected

Insomuch as, the expansion we create does not remain empty until the divine enters.

Once we expand, the space for the divine is created and the divine immediately enters.

Divinty does not show up all at once and decide if this is a suitable home or not

If we choose to continue to practice, the divine continues to enter - if we choose to stop, the divine finds other homes.

it's just not for me


I wish that I could just sit at my desk
and work all day long just like all the rest

but that is not me, i've tried that before
Staring at the walls… out the window… at my feet and the floor.

We're not all the same, how boring that would be
if I were like you, and you were like me

Some may choose law and others choose science,
but I seem to choose this life of defiance

That's something unique in this world that we live,
in this space we inhabit in this land that just gives

For some its not so, but for me there's a choice.
the expression of soul that comes from my voice


its not always easy and sometimes not fun
these choices i've made, this life I've begun

This journey I'm on, my sprit inside
it swells with experience just like the tide

and sometimes i'm flat, its empty you see
and I look all around and say how could this be

an abundance of riches in love, art and dance
yet I walk around as if in a trance

what am I lacking, what am I missing
is it that woman over there that I wish I was kissing

or do I not know, is there something more
a feeling awaiting.. if I walk through the door

and sit in an office… and put my head down
and just do their work will I not hear the sounds

that roll through my head saying go and explore
and never stop pursuing this thing you adore

this brief instance of life that I get to share
with you, with me and with them over there

I won't sit in a cave and be told what to do
its just not for me, is that what's for you?



Oh dear Beloved when will you requite my love and release me from this bondage

After I have performed a thousand acts of selfless devotion

Then and only then will you feel the unconditional nature of my actions

So that you may open yourself fully to love

So that I may shed upon you the magnitude of my love

And finally be free

Deny me but one drop of your essence

And my love cannot conceive of crossing such a chasm

Forever you will feel my devotion

But the magnitude of my love may never be realized.